the evolutionary algorithm
#include <EvolutionaryAlgorithm.hpp>
typedef Space::Individual | Individual |
typedef Space::Population | Population |
typedef Space::Fitness | Fitness |
| BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ((EvolutionaryAlgorithmSpaceConcept< Space >)) |
Individual & | solve (Population &init_population, StopCondition stop=StopCondition()) |
| the evolutionary algorithm - until stop repeat mutation, cross-over, selection, succession. Modifies the initial population. More...
template<typename Space, template< typename > class Mutation = MutationNone, template< typename > class Crossover = CrossoverNone, template< typename > class Selection = SelectionRanking, typename StopCondition = StopAfterNSteps<100>>
class faif::search::EvolutionaryAlgorithm< Space, Mutation, Crossover, Selection, StopCondition >
the evolutionary algorithm
- Parameters
template<typename Space , template< typename > class Mutation = MutationNone, template< typename > class Crossover = CrossoverNone, template< typename > class Selection = SelectionRanking, typename StopCondition = StopAfterNSteps<100>>
the evolutionary algorithm - until stop repeat mutation, cross-over, selection, succession. Modifies the initial population.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: